
My Portfolio

In this project, I’ve created a functional and responsive portfolio utilizing the Bootstrap CSS Framework as well as utilizing the Bootstrap grid system so that the website and its layouts function on different devices and browsers. This project is all about consistency and functionality.

This project was a great way to add personality to your own portfolio for future collaborations and to showcase projects. It’s a great way to witness and document the journey in becoming a master coder but for now, I am still a master coder in training and this is a way to see the process unfold and my growth in this program. This is a gateway to the real world, in this case, the tech world to prepare each one of us and push us to move forward and pave the way into our careers.

Challenges I’ve faced, I did spend a lot of time working on the sticky footer and this was a great challenge because I tried to not have it fixed on the screen but stick to the bottom of the scrolling page. Although it’s not seen in my HTML files but I did slightly achieve the sticky footer but at a certain scale of the screen, it moved up but in every other scale size, it worked almost flawlessly but because of that one screen size, I’ve decided to stick with the current fixed footer that I have coded in. And the Bootstrap grid system was also challenging at first but it took analysis, experimentation and some research to successfully to achieve the layout design.

The requirements of this project include the following:

Table of Contents


This project has a number of features including:

Technologies Used

GIF of Project


Images of Project

Attached below are screenshots in their screen sizes 400px, 768px, and 992px, respectively.

400 768 992

Code Snippet

In this code snippet, although the requirements were to add social media links, I’ve decided to do a different and not too difficult approach but I utilized the social media logos abiding with their guidelines that will directly link to my accounts and open up in a new tab. I liked the simplicity of the black logos just so that it aesthetically workes well with my portfolio.




This project is licensed under the MIT License